Learn About Game Console Platforms
Game console platform quick guide
What is it?
Game consoles are locked systems that can only run games and apps designed specifically for their platform. Also, platforms usually don't allow multiplayer across different platforms. Because of that, it is important to know what each platform offers. There are mainly 3 game console platforms:
Made by Sony, it is the platform for all Playstation devices.
Made by Microsoft, it is the platform for all XBOX devices.
Made by Nintendo, it is the platform for all Switch devices.
Which one should I get?
It all depends on what games you play and what platform your friends are on. Not all games are available on all platforms. In any case, the following are the main reasons why you should choose one over the other:
Get Playstation for the following reasons:
- If the game you want is exclusive on Playstation platform
- Your friends are on Playstation platform
Get XBOX for the following reasons:
- If the game you want is exclusive on XBOX platform
- Your friends are on XBOX platform
Get Switch for the following reasons:
- You want to play on the go
- If the game you want is exclusive on Switch platform
- Your friends are on Switch platform