Learn About Mobile Batteries
Mobile battery quick guide
What is it?
It is a part that stores power then provides it to the mobile as needed. It enables using the mobile on the go without the need to be plugged to a power outlet. All mobiles come with rechargeable batteries. Batteries degrade with time and use. It is expected that your mobile's battery life decreases when the mobile gets older. Modern batteries have controllers that manage their charging and discharging cycles to maximize their life span. As a result, you don't have to worry about unplugging it to avoid damages. Just use it whenever you need it. The controller is taking care of it. Only replace batteries when the battery life becomes too short for your needs.
How does it work?
Batteries work by doing the following (over simplified) steps:
- Receive power from electrical outlet
- Store power
- Provide power when needed
Look for
Check if your mobile has a replaceable battery
Not all mobiles come with replaceable batteries. It is better to get a mobile with a replaceable battery to extend it's life.
Make sure to get a good quality battery for your safety and to protect your mobile
It is extremely important to buy your battery from trusted brands to avoid fires, and damaging expensive components. If it is difficult for you to replace the battery yourself, take it to an authorized service provider. Authorized service providers follow safety practices.
Wireless Charging
Check if your mobile has a wireless charger and how fast it is
Not all mobiles come with wireless chargers, and not all wireless chargers charge at the same speed.
Fast Charging
Check if your mobile has fast charging and how fast it is
Not all mobiles charge at the same speed. Charging also depends on the charger. It is not always the case that the included charger will charge it the fastest.
Battery Life
Check the battery life of the mobile at your intended use case
Note that battery life does not depend on battery capacity alone, it also depends on how efficient all the other parts are in the system. Also, battery life varies a lot based on use case.
Make sure it is compatible with your mobile
Check how many cycles the battery is rated for
Not all batteries degrade at the same rate, hence, they are rated in cycles before they lose a lot of their capacity. The more the cycles the better.
Capacity Comparison
Avoid comparing mobile battery capacities, instead, focus on battery life
Battery life does not depend on battery capacity alone, it also depends on how efficient all other parts are in the system. Focus on battery life of the device at your intended use case.
Wireless Charging
Avoid wireless charging when possible
Wireless charging batteries is less efficient compared to wired charging.
Fast Charging
Avoid fast charging when possible
Charging batteries fast can degrade them quicker.
Avoid unplugging your battery when you don't need to
Since batteries degrade with use, it is better to avoid using them when not necessary.
No name
Avoid brands with no to little reputation
It is extremely important to buy your battery from trusted brands to avoid fires, and damaging expensive components.
Hot Environment
Avoid putting batteries in hot places
High temperatures (+35 or more celsius) can cause batteries to degrade faster.
Cold Environment
Avoid putting batteries in cold places
Low temperatures (-1 or less celsius) can cause batteries to degrade faster and not function properly.