Learn About PC OS

PC operating system quick guide

What is it?

PC operating system is known simply as "OS", it is the main software that runs and manages your computer hardware. It is responsible for coordinating and allocating resources for all your PC parts. There are mainly 3 PC operating systems:

Which one should I get?

It all depends on your personal preference and your software requirements. Not all apps are compatible with all operating systems. In any case, the following are the main reasons why you should choose one over the other:


Get Windows for the following reasons:

  1. More variety when choosing your PC
  2. More flexibility when upgrading your PC parts
  3. More compatible software
  4. Better gaming support


Get macOS for the following reasons:

  1. Apple ecosystem
  2. You prefer Mac hardware
  3. You need specific Mac software
  4. You don't see yourself upgrading your PC parts


Get Linux for the following reasons:

  1. You know what you are doing