AMD Radeon Sky GPUs List

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Select Model Shaders TMUs ROPs Tensor Cores RT Cores Clock Peak AI Performance FP16 FP32 Memory Memory Type TDP Form Factor Release Date Manufacturer Family Architecture Codename Chip Die Shot
AMD Radeon Sky 900 Radeon Sky 900 1792 112 32 - - 950MHz 6.8 TFLOPS FP32 - 6.8 TFLOPS 6GB GDDR5 300W PCIe Card Apr 1, 2013 AMD Radeon Sky GCN 1 Tahiti - AMD Tahiti Die
AMD Radeon Sky 700 Radeon Sky 700 1792 112 32 - - 900MHz 3.2 TFLOPS FP32 - 3.2 TFLOPS 6GB GDDR5 225W PCIe Card Apr 1, 2013 AMD Radeon Sky GCN 1 Tahiti - AMD Tahiti Die
AMD Radeon Sky 500 Radeon Sky 500 1280 80 32 - - 950MHz 4.9 TFLOPS FP32 - 4.9 TFLOPS 8GB GDDR5 150W PCIe Card Apr 1, 2013 AMD Radeon Sky GCN 1 Pitcairn - AMD Pitcairn Die