ATI Radeon 8000 GPUs List

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Select Model Shaders TMUs ROPs Tensor Cores RT Cores Clock Peak AI Performance FP16 FP32 Memory Memory Type TDP Form Factor Release Date Manufacturer Family Architecture Codename Chip Die Shot
ATI Radeon 8500 LE Radeon 8500 LE 4 4 4 - - 250MHz - - - 64MB DDR 23W AGP 4x Card Oct 30, 2001 ATI Radeon 8000 Rage 7 Chaplin R200 ATI R200 Die
ATI Radeon 8500 Radeon 8500 4 8 4 - - 275MHz - - - 64MB DDR 23W AGP 4x Card Aug 14, 2001 ATI Radeon 8000 Rage 7 Chaplin R200 ATI R200 Die